The most important partners and links established by this organization with others include: CIVICUS; the World Alliance for Citizen Participation network as a member; Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation – (CTA) that provides us with development magazines and development books; United Nations Online Volunteering Service (OV) from which we recruit volunteers and also offer our expertise to others; The European Commission our new potential partner, where we are registered in the PADOR database; Council on Foundations; Mountain Network Forum for online environment e-discussions, PPGIS for geographical online information, US Department of Treasury and GUIDESTAR. We also work in close collaboration with governmental ministries such as the Forestry, Agriculture and Rural development and Registries of organisations. CREDEV is also affiliated to the Cameroon Association of Rural Engineers and Technicians and several local and national networks. If you are interested to work with us as a partner or volunteer, please contact us. |